When u play wow a bit longer then a month (or some people will even do it immediately), you might get annoyed with the standard WoW UI (user interface). Therefore Blizzard luckily gave us the option to adjust almost any part of the WoW interface.
There are various types of pretty useful WoW UI Mods available: from helping you with your quests, to alerting you about class specific skills. (I.e. like a soul shards counter for a Warlock, a so called DoTtimer or a stun counter for a Rogue). Most WoW interface mods are focused on improving the GUI, and just do that: they replace and change various areas with different sizes, colours, layouts, etc. - all to make the whole game as easy as possible. Some common and popular names are the Titanbar, the CTmod and Bongobars.
Titanbar, probably the most beloved World of Warcraft UI mod, comes with a nice questing feature. It will basically provide you with coordinates of where you are playing and the coordinates of your mouse on the map. Combine this handy info with the huge online databases like Thottbot and you’ll be able to find mobs, items and quests way faster than other players.
The CTMod WoW UI mod comes with certain functions which will inform you about any required or advised levels for specific quests. Which comes in handy now and then as it avoids immediately charging a yellow quest for example while the quest actually requires 2 levels higher than your level.
More and more functions are being made every day, and some people even try to code their own WoW interface mods. You’ll find a ton of information and other mods on the various WoW community forums, blogs and in a WoW Guide or two. Most users love to share their own specific UI setups and combinations of various add-ons, one even fancier than the other, so inspiration for building up your own World of Warcraft UI won’t be hard to find.
The more you’ll play, the more nifty and picky you’ll get at choosing your own mods,… and dropping other previous add-ons. Most players end up with their own personal setup, completely adjusted to their own play-style and character. After all, it’s your character, your play-style, and thanks to WoW’s fantastic mod features, also your own UI. All in all, it can really push your game experience a lot further then just the normal setup. If you’re a serious WoW player then there’s only one last thing I can add to this: go get some WoW UI mods!